Science Fantastic Reading

Top 100 fantastics
Что посмотреть из фантастики?

Топ 100 фантастикиTop 100 pieces of scientific fantastic and fantasy are published. This rating saw the light on the website.

The users of this site called about 5,000 pieces that they believe deserve to go to 100. Some 600,000 people voted.

As a result, John Ronald Ruel Tolkin ' s trilogy was the first in the tope. In the second place, the humoristic fantasy novel of the Augustic Galactica, Douglas Adams. Orson Scott Card's third position. Frank Herbert's Chronicle of Dune. George R. R. Martin ' s fifth seat at the Led and Fire.

Also among those who were in Top 100, such works as 451 degrees on Farengeit and the Marsian Chronic Ray Bradbury, Black in a foreign country and Star Desant Robert Heinlay, The Dark Tower of Steel King, Spring of Time and Wareland of Herbert,

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