Read Modern Books

Bad mother
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She doesn't feed the kids with breakfast, she doesn't collect a briefcase, she doesn't check that there's a dress in the barn carmash or pants. Instead, she stays in a bed this morning!
She's not gonna clean the toys, and she's gonna make sure that an unhappy kid crawls on the nursery, cars in the garage, and puts the cubes in the toy basket.

It's a way to ignore even mother's most sacred duty to teach a child! And it's going to be wicked to blend away from the decoration of contour cards.

But the worst!

She won't want to feed a child hard enough to eat a spoon. On the contrary, she can take the last pie from the plate and froze it into one rod.

And even if a little girl just asks to drink, that ehidne mother will do that:

That's a lot of words she didn't feel sorry for, and her legs hurt! What do you call a doll?
Lezy mother!

And the modern community, Mom, between us, has already degraded enough to read books about how to become a very lazy and very happy mother.

And why a lazy mother is a happy mother, writes Anna Bkov in a book called "Saint Child," or "Love Mummy."

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