Current Foreign Prose

Creme de la Creme is a series of modern, not quite standard prose. Here, the authors are distinct and the topics of the works are not standard. With regard to the name of the series - Creme de la Creme - the best works of the publisher, not the best. Foreign Affairs I don't know.
Antonen Arto. Geliogabal
Antonen Arto. Monks
Antonen Arto. Taraumara
George Batay, Colette Peño. Sacrament
George Batay. Gil de Rae
Paul Bowles. Up above the world
Paul Bowles. House of spider
Paul Bowles. Dead fields
Paul Bowles. Signs in time. Moroccan history
Paul Bowles. Minor production
Paul Bowles. Field Mass
Paul Bowles. Bullshit amulet
Joslyn Brooke. Sign of naked sword
Robert Walzer. Robbery
Joseph Wahal. Blood novel.
Gabriel Whittcope. White rains
Pierre Giyota. Education
Pierre Giyota. Coma
Juan Goitisolo. In front of the curtain.
Guy Davenport. Haile Selassie Ground Train
Guy Davenport. Peargolesi dog
Alfred Deblin. Representation friends
Alfred Deblin. Three Van Luna jumps
Tony Duver. Portrait of man-skin
Elfrida Elinek. Clara S.
Alexander Illianen. Pension
Ladislav Clima. Travel of a blind snake to the truth
James Pardy. Malcolm
James Pardy. I'm Elijah Trash.
Gerard Reve. Tiny friend
Alain Rob Griye. Repeat
Louis Ferdinand Selin. Thunders and lightning
Gertrude Stein. Blood on the floor
Gertrude Stein. Three lives
Eric Stanbock. Triumph of evil
Horace Walpole. Ieroglyphics
Ronald Firbank. Art Princess
Edward Forster. Faros and Farillon
Unica Zurn. Dark Spring (non-complete)
Hans Hanni Yann. It'll catch everyone.
Title: Creme de la Creme (42 books)
Year: 2004-2015
Jeanr: romance, art literature
Publication: Russia, Tver, Mitin Journal, KOLONNA Publications
Language: Russian
Format: fb2, pdf, djvu
Quality: eBook, Scanded pages