Best Love Novel

Best books of love
Роман о любви, написанный

The most mysterious

“P.S. I love you.
The book that became an international best-seller certainly deserves attention. According to the fans of the book, a film made on her behalf does not transmit all gammas of impressions and emotions. Well, no one can be surprised that the book is better screened. But you should check it out, right?

The most exciting.

Thernovary, Colin McCalow
The book is considered a classic love affair. One of the things that can be re-readed many times, and every time we re-examine a storm of emotion, which causes an exciting story of lifelong heroes.

Book with the most lying name

“Love Lives Three Years”, Frederick Begbeder
At the time of the crisis, it would be better to abandon this book, or it could cause depressive thoughts and lead to wrong decisions. The book is interesting. Thinking about the right love from a man's perspective. Yes, yes, men are also worried and suffering because of love! It's a personal journal about the relationship that's led by the main hero.

The most inspiring.

Esto, pray, love, Elizabeth Gilbert
Everyone knows how hard it is to get back to a happy life with a recent breakup. This book is inspiring to new achievements, and we've been making sure there's nothing impossible.

The most passionate.

Five hundred gray, E. L. James
It seems that none of us have a familiar one who would have read the trilogy of these books of love and passion. Even though it's an erotic affair with the elements of frank sex scenes, it's not worth forgetting the most important part: the beautiful history of love between the golden student and the young "prin" businessman.

The rockiest

Grozny Cross, Emily Bronte
An interest in this book on love was expressed in 2009 when it became known that some of the motivations of Franchiese Stephanie Meyer, The Deaths, had been taken from the Grozwala. Yet, Emily Bronte ' s work is deeper and more exciting than the Death Note. The intersection of justice, events, rock accidents, cruel vengeance, the power of love is the main motives of the gothical book of the Grozny Cross.

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