Best Novels Ever

Among other things, Norman Mailer, Stephen King, Jonathan Francen, Michael Chabon, Joyce Carol Oates, Tom Wolf, John Irving, Peter Cary, Margaret Drabble.
They were asked to " compile a list, in order to be of less importance, of literary works - novels, compilations of stories, plays or poems that they value as the greatest - of all time" . A total of 544 pieces were identified. Number one on the list was estimated at 10 points, number 10, the last one, respectively.
It's clear that all the lists are no more than a conditionality, but if you want to know what it looks like at the beginning of the twenty-first century, American (not British - just because Tolsto finally defeated Shakespeare) literary canon, the results of the survey seem quite reliable. And not only the results, but also the questionnaire technology. At any rate, if any official body really wanted to, on a travel order, to draw up an official list of the " Book of Main Books " , the interview technology could be calcified. It also seems appropriate that the originators have not limited themselves to English-speaking books: well, literature is an open church, how to sew someone.
In any case, it was regrettable that such a book was not available in the Russian version; it could be assumed that it would have used a popularity.