National Noseller
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After reading the results of the vote, the writer stated that if he were a member of the jury, he would have voted in favour of Mikhail Onebibla and his novel, The Daughter. " I would vote for a man who has no literary knowledge. I hope that Mikhail Onebible will receive this renowned knowledge.”, I say Yuzefović.
The National Postseller Award was established in St. Petersburg in 2000 and awarded annually. It may be accompanied by works which have been published in Russian during the past calendar year or by manuscripts, regardless of when they were written.
The National Bestseller 2016 shortlist included Maria Galina ' s Autochtona novel, Tranzit Saigon-Ata Aldar Satttaraova, the Ukraine of the Three Revolutions, Aglai Topova, Mihaila Onebibla and Leonida Yuzephovic ' s Simple Road.
The small jury was composed of Marina Alexeiev, the multiplier Constantin Bronzeit, teacher Sergey Volkov, the musician of Oleg Georgia, director of Oleg Maychi and writer Sergei Nosov.