Reading Of The Best Modern Books

Top 10 modern adolescent books
50 оттенков серого глазами

Джеймс Буэн «Уличный кот по имени Боб»Despite the fact that the modern world of technology is building up various entertainment programmes for young people, the books of artistic works still remain relevant and loved by many teenagers. On the basis of an analysis of the current prose, a list of 10 modern books for adolescents aged 15-16 was drawn up.


James Bouen, Street Cat on behalf of Bob

Opens the 10 modern books for young people an unusual story from James Bouen, called the Street Cat on behalf of Bob. The book will talk about the right friendship of the street cat Bob and James' young man. Every day, the cat started looking for food. James's musician suffered heavy dependence, and every day he also started looking for doping. The cat meeting saved a young man from being hopeless. The book was buoyed in social media, and it became very popular, like its main heroes.

Книга для детей 15-16 летRay Bedbury 451 degrees Farengeith

Ray Bedbury became the creator of a modern masterpiece of 451 degrees Farengeit, who immediately fell in love with the young for his eccentricity. Roman refers to the genre of science fiction, which describes the society of consumers who have feelings and minds. People have everything, but they don't want to think and live a real life. The government has robotized society and is very careful about it. Law enforcement officials immediately identify non-obedient citizens and they are brutally dealt with.Стивен Чбокси «Хорошо быть тихоней» In order to achieve an ideal " order " in the country, the people in power have issued a law to burn all books that can make people think and feel. It's not for a writer to give such an odd name to the novel. The book is in the top of 10 modern adolescent books and will be useful and interesting to the growing generation.

Stephen Chboxy, "Good to be quiet"

Stephen Chboxy's new work, "Good to be quiet," is a modern book on adolescent life. Charlie's biggest novel hero is different from his classmates' eyes on life. The boy likes to read books and runs his diary in which he's all over his life. His mentor and friend is a teacher Bill who gives a teenager useful and important life advice. Charlie's been having an internal conversation a lot, trying to figure out himself and his feelings for a high school girl he loved.

Сьюзен Коллинз «Голодные игры», «И вспыхнет пламя», «Сойка пересмешница» Стивен Чбокси «Хорошо быть тихоней» Джером Селлинджер «Над пропастью во ржи» Маркус Зузак «Книжный вор»
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